THIS IS WHERE RENNA BELONGS! In PRISON! She chewed through MY (and momma's) laptop cable! We can't make it charge or get to our pictures or post or ANYTHING!! I am so hisssed! Momma had to post this for me at dayhunting. FERAL COLONY UPDATE
Bad news for the three little fluff balls, momma kitty did not come back for them last night. When daddy got to office this morning they were very weak and their box had been knocked over. Something either happened to her or she has (sob) abandoned them. I wish I could lactate again! sniff sniff Thankfully one of daddy's friends at work was kinda wanting one of the kittens anyway and his wife does not dayhunt so daddy got some food in them and then the other guy scooped them all up and took them to his wife. She is going to take care of them! Momma is going to send bottles (she always has them on hand) and more kitten milk to them tomorrow. We are also going to give her your great suggestions on kitten rearing!
As for the rest of the colony momma and daddy are still planning a T/N/R soon. He has got the ok from one boss now he has to get it from another. This one will be a bit tougher. Please keep Purrrring he will agree and for the little fluff balls!
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Bad Renna! It sounds like your mom needs to buy some Bitter Apple and spray it on all the cords. When Merlin was teething, our mom sprayed all the cords in the house with bitter apple so that Merlin wouldn't damage them or hurt himself.
We will purr and pray for the little kittens and hope that your dad gets permission to T/N/R.
I will puurrrrrr an puurrrrrrr fur all da wittle ickle babies. Hoppin yur Dad gets da bossman to agree ta helps dem owt (he shuld cuz it wuld meen less of a pwoblem fur da bildin/company).
Ummm, Renna deer, yoo iz not sposta chew on cables an stuffs. Dats wat yur toyz an Mommies arr for. Hehehe
Oh oh, Dragonheart has it right, bitter apple spray to keep Renna from chewing. We'z glad dat someone is gonna take care of dem baby kitties...We bet if yoor dad splanes it dat he would be solving a problem fur da company at no cost to dem da boss will agree. Boss type beans is always looking to get someone else to do da work and for free or cheap.
We hope everything works out for those poor cats. Purrs.
And um Renna--no chewing!!!
Those poor kittens. At least if they are two weeks old they have a good chance at making it!
Renna - You gotta stop chewing on things dear. Silly puppy!!
That would hiss off every creature in our house. I get yelled at enough as it is for stealing stuff let alone chewing through wires!
Oh, I am very glad that someone will be able to take care of the little baby kittens!
Oh we do hope the momma kitty is okay - even if she did abandon them. It's wonderful news that some one is going to take care of the baby kittens! And if your Daddy has any trouble with that other boss, you just tell that boss that the cat blogosphere is behind you!
My darling Queen Snickers,
That silly puppy has chewed the laptop chord - how am I supposed to make sure that all is well with you? Hopefully she is appropriately remorseful (yeah right!) and you can get a replacement soon. When George was a puppy she knocked over the laptop and broke the screen, we had to get a new one! Puppies are tough!
Oh Renna, that was very bad of you. I know you look very cute and innocent behind those prison bars, but you have to learn not to chew on cables!
I am so glad that the kittens will be taken care off. Your Daddy sounds like a very nice man.
Oh, thank goodness the furballs have someone to take care of them. We were going to suggest you ask your VET for advice on feeding 2 week old kittens. Poor babies.
Oh boy. Renna was very bad. But she does look remorseful in that picture.
That's great news another coworker took the kittens and his wife will take care of them. They will need a lot of care and it's hard to do if you're dayhunting.
We purr and purr for the feral cats!!!!
And that was BAD of Renna to do !!!! Maybe Dragonheart's advice will help...?
Good news!! Renna is normal for a puppy! This won't fix your cable though. Sorry. ummm, bad Renna, naughty puppy!
We are gonna' think positive thoughts for those poor kitties!
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Renna!
Uh oh - what a sweet guilty face!
Sending best wishes to the kits!
KC said...
Renna, that's a furry dangerous fing to do, chewing on cords.
Glad to hear someone's gonna take care of them sweet lil babies.
Tell yours Dad Bean if that boss gives him any trouble about tha TNR plan, we's all -- tha cats of the Cat Blogosphere -- gonna come poop on hims pillow.
Aha, that's not a threat, it's a promise!
Love & Purrs,
KC the Tough A#s Tortie
KC again...
err, poop on tha boss's pillow, that is, not your Dad Bean's pillow.
Just clarifying.
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