Yea, a day to blog in peace! Why? The woffie is in momma and daddies litter box for the day. She made green runny poo all over the carpets and momma could not let her run around today! HA HA That's what she gets for stealing our food. Momma gagged worse then when she cleans up my yack! To add to every thing momma can't yell at us when we get on the cabinets either, something called larengitisis stole her voice! She is starting to cough a lot, I wonder if that means she will stay home and cuddle with us some time this week. She says NOOOOO. "I can't get sick. I have no more time!" Even more important Momma's sister going to have her baby bean this week! Momma asked if kitties will purr for her to get better so she can see her nephew when he is born!
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
I love that picture of you, Snickers!
Oh no, your poor mommy! I certainly will purr for her to get better. Seeing new babybeans when they first arrive is very important.
I hope Renna's poo doesn't stay icky and green and runny. Having your mommy gag is NO FUN.
You look so happy and peaceful my love, having the puppy out of the way can do that! We'll be purring for your Momma it would be awful if she couldn't see your new bean cousin right away.
Your Jake
Mommy sez the lairenjytis is when yoo loose yur voyce. I will look fur it if I find it I will send it rite ofur. Purrs your Mom gits to feelin bedder!
Heehee :-D You look quite happy, Queen Snickers, that Renna is locked in the humans' potty room ;-)
I hope your Momma gets better quick! She's got to get better before the baby comes.
PS: Sunny tagged you and Empress (and Renna) for a meme. See his May 19 post.
We will purr purr purrrr for your Mom to feel better so she can be with her sister when she has her new baby...oooo how exciting a new little burpy fing...
Abby and Boo
I will purr and purr for your mom to feel all better in time for the new baby!
You look so peaceful. I will start purring for your Person!
eeeewwww stinky green poo. gross. i hope Renna feels better.
Bendrix and I will purr and purr your mommy gets to see the blurpy thing all new.
Hmmmm, it seems Renna may have overdone it at her coronation.
We'll purr hard for your mom to get healthy fast!!! I'll tell my Awesome Man it could have been worse with the whole poo thing.
Hi Cutie :) Sorry about Renna. Hope she gets better fast so she does not make any more messes ;)
Purrs for your Mom too.I hope she can see the new baby too!!
Purrs Mickey
We hope your mom feels better soon!! Losing one's voice is no fun. We also feed bad about the green poo, that must not have been any fun to clean up at all!
Maybe it is just alerjees...we'z purring fur dat so she can see da bean kitten when it gets borned. Mom sez dat dogs is not so picky about what dey eat. Or what dey roll in!
Feeling unwell mom is not fun, I totally understand your feeling~~~ I hope your mommy get better soon!!
You look very peace and comfy!
Your poor mom! Thank you for the purrs for me, and I will return the favor and send big purrs for your mom!
Sending lots of healing purrs your mom's way!
Your poor human, no voice and green runny poo all in one day. FAZ
Oh, your poor Mommy. We hope she is feeling better. Our Mommy has been sick too. We let our Mommy up from bed rest so that we could visit our friends! That picture of you is fantastic!
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