1. Cool, we gots Swap 'N Tails all da was from Kellie da Orange Cat, she is fars away! 2. Ooooooo! looks at all da gooding in a pinki purse! An temptations too! 3. Kitty socks fors mommy! Ans pretty notes and pins! 4. Snikor! No hogs da pink fuffies!!! 5. We got another Swap 'N Tails package too! Our may partners were Chance & Shadow! They did something super cool and got us presents from The Greater Good Network and our presents help animals in need!! 6. The wicker balls are pawesome, we'll have to keep them hidden from the puppy unless we are ready to play with them. Hey Empress, what you go there? 7. Dair was somting in dis box just fors me. I nose it!8. Hurahhh, My vary own nip nanner!!!!!! 9. Sniff, Sniff The box is pretty cool to. 10. Heck, Even Nip Nanner stickers are pawesome! 11. Woof, Woof! Shadow send me goodies! My first presents in mail!! (daddy took the frame from her real quick! she also got a cool tug toy but momma couldn't get a clear picture of her playing with it) 12. Momma said YEA! I need this! It arrived a little chipped, but momma said it was appropriate and added character. 13. THANK YOU! SWAP 'N TAIL BUDDIES! |
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Those are wonderful packages you received! :) All those toys look fabulous, and the shirt for Renna is very cute. :) Enjoy! :)
YAY! I iz soo happies dat yoo lyk yur swap toyz. I lurve mai nip nanner an az soon az Mommie saw da colur waz lelow, she new she hads ta gets wun fur yoo. An acorse she hopes Renna lyks her noo shirty too. It jus seeemed Puurrrfect fur her. Hehehe.
Oh good, I am glad your swap arrived okay. I was worried it would take forever to get there.
Renna looks so cute in her yellow shirt from Chance, she is such a cute puppy.
What great toys - and they came in boxes (I love boxes)!
I can't wait for the party today! I'll be the luckiest ManCat to have such a beautiful LadyCat by my side!
Oh my goodness, what wonderful presents you got. I have never seen those wicker balls before. Little Renna looks adorable in the tiny t-shirt.
Oh what great presents! You are very lucky.
Mom and dad giggled cuz effun dat tiny shirt looks to big fur Renna. What a nice package yoo gots.
What awesome stuff you got in the package!
Oh such wonderful gifties in your swap! I like your fairy name too! Isn't that fun to do!
My heart breaks knowing the three little kittens went to the rainbow bridge after your beans tried so hard to save them...very sad.
Soft hugs for all of you dear ones...love miss peach
Those are all wonderful presents. And Empress finally go her own nip nanner. yeah!
I think your Mommy better hang that guardian angel up soon ;-)
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