Momma wants to share how Renna came to be a part of our family:
We were at a Renascences Faire and one of the shop owners had a basket full of sleepy, tiny puppies, 8 or so. They could not take care of them (it sounds like their momma dog Domino has puppies regularly, why oh why don't people fix their pets???) so where giving them away for free to "good homes" or as I believe to anyone that would take them. I picked up this little girl just for fun. I was not prepared for her to snuggle her way into my heart in 10 seconds flat! I handed her to my husband, the "solid one", who can always say NO when I get mushy over puppies and kittens. An itty bitty lick on the chin and nose and he too was a puddle! There was no way we could leave without her. We found out what little we could about her breed and her mom's temperament. We also discovered while weened she was only 6 weeks old. Did we risk leaving her in a unhealthy environment (what they were feeding her was horrible and she was covered from nose to tail in flees) so she could spend more time with her mom and try to get her in a few weeks and hope she was still ok? Or, take her now and start taking care of her the way all little princess puppies should. We chose to grab her and run. Oh how I wish we could have grabbed the whole basket full! It was late on a Saturday so Petsmart was our best resource as we had nothing prepared for a puppy. They were great, helping us with the essentials, giving us advise for the flees on such a baby, getting us started with the best food and even check out her ears for mites. A few days later with the flees gone and wholesome food in her little belly she is already more lively and looks TONS better. I was a little worried about anemia she was so lethargic. Her vet visit is early Friday morning before I go to the hospital for surgery, ack, and we will make sure she is all healthy. Then we can start working on integrating our family. So far the girls nothing but a bit curious about her, they have seen her in my arms but until she checks out ok that is as close at they get! Empress has shown far more interest in her food I think then her. haha
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Renna is very cute! We hope she doesn't cause any problems while your mom is recovering from her surgery. Reading the story, we totally understand why your humans had to bring her home. We hope you will all become good friends in time.
My Dearest Queen Snickers,
It's hard enough for beans to resist baby puppies, but with her story how could they help but bring her home! And she is a super cutie (those pictures made mommy go "squeee")! We hope that you and Empress get her trained up and a happy part of the family soon.
And you're always welcome to teleport up here if you need to get away from her (George only gets part of the house, so we can wander freely!).
Your Jake
Momma told us how our Auntie and Uncle rescued little Renna!!!!! Her picture is so cute! Don't worry Cousin Snickers, if your two little sisters get too rambunctious, you can always tellyport to our house for a break!! Good luck for reals though!!!! (besides you'll get lots of new toys if she puts too much bitey on your old ones.... just keep the special toys away from her teeths.)
What a little Q.T. Pie!
She's a lucky puppy too!
Awww Renna is a really cute name for an adorable ball of fur. Jack Russells are very energentic dogs. They are great woofies. My cousin is a jack russell...
Renna is so cute! My Mum says she couldn't have left her either. I'm sure you girls will get along just fine!
I hope your Mum's surgery goes alright, I will purray for her.
Renna is very cute.
Renna is so cute! I hope she bonds well with the kitties. She's so tiny, I am sure she'll adore them, even if they aren't so sure about her.
Mommy would have done the same thing . . . taken the puppy and run!
Wowwy!!! Right before your surgery and all. We hear you about the "solid one" thing. Something tells me Dad's really have woofie things in their hearts. JRT? They can be a bit um...excited :). But the shelty in her will hopefully calm out the JRT. Our Aunt Erica has a JRT who is totally smart and totally bad at the same time. But she's a lot of fun and kitty sized.
Wow, she really was a little surprise puppy! This must mean it was meant to be. I am glad you rescued her and she is already doing so much better.
Of course your mommy had to bring Renna home. We think you should call the local authorities (dog warden?) to inspect the puppies left behind and what condition their mommy is in. What horrible people they are.
We're very very glad Renna has a wonderful, loving forever home now. And, that she appears so easily trained...that will come in handy for smart kitties...
We will purrrray for Renna and hope that she continues to be health and does well at the vet. She is too precious.
What a cute little puppy!!! I is glad that she now has a safe forever home!
We is so glad Renna gots a good home, we know all about dad's and der mushy ways! Mom wouldn't have been able to stop dad from grabbing da whole basket of puppies but she would have been delivering her irrisponsible, cheap neuter, what is wrong with you people speach while he was running away with the puppies...den mom woulda cawt up wif dad in da parking lot and yelled at him too!
Oh my!! She is cute,Being so young, you can train her the way you want :) This will make the household most interesting ;)
Purrs Mickey
Renna is very cute.
Our mom is also made easily into a puddle with puppies and kittens. That is why she stays away from them if all possible heehee
I think Renna is a good addition to your family
What a cute woofie Renna is! Welcome, Renna!
Awwwwwwwwww.....she is so cute and so teeny! She will make a great sister to you two!
Your FL furiends,
Welcome little cutie Renna. I am sure your big sistas will look after you.
You are super cute - we would of had to take you home too!!
Renna iz vewy cyoot (No Mommie). Iz soo vewy happies dat yur beans rescyood her frum da bad beans. (Mommie, I Sed No). She luks lyk shes gonna be a pwetty small woofie wen she gets bigs, but dem lytlle woofies arr vewy hypers. (Mommie, NO! Yoo can not gets a puppies). Sheesh!
She's quite a cutie. I understand why you couldn't leave her in those conditions. She should definitely liven things up around your home ;-)
Oh, she is adorable! Mommy would have taken her and run too!
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