Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate momma's birthday with us! We are staring moving craziness! I think we have to move out of our house this weekend! EEK! But our new apartment will not be ready until October 3. AAAAH! What will we do? Live in a box? Momma said this whole thing makes her tummy hurt. Daddy said something about a hotel, I've never been in one of those. It sound's like the next few weeks are going to be quite an adventure. I don't know if we'll be able to post until we are in our new place or not so purrrrs for now! We love you kitties!!
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Oh my paws and whiskers, my sweet Queen Snickers, such a busy time for you all! I've stayed in three hotels while we were moving from California - it's not too bad, but there are lots of strange smells.
I hope that it goes really smoothly for you all, and if your Momma needs any info on kitty hotel living just email us. Oh and make sure we get you new address too!
Good luck!!
Purrs and Huggs and Nosekisses for all the time you'll be away!
You ManCat Jake
Awwwwww.....the m word!! We will miss you while you are in between. Hotels sound like fun! You can just pick up the phone and order all the temptations you want! (hehehehehe)
Your FL furiends,
We don't like moving...but we hope yours goes in a hotel might not be can order room service!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Stay strong you guys - moving is hard. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
We will be thinking of you!!!
Maybe you can say HI from a library computer ;)
Have fun at the hotel!!
Purrs Mickey
I am thinking of you now :)
Have a very nice and safe move, ok!
Ah, a hotel! Order mousies from room service...
Good luck to your Momma and Daddy with the move! I know it's a lot of hard work. See you again when you're settled in your new home :-)
Best wishes to you during your time of transition. We will keep you in our thoughts and purrs.
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
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