Friday, February 29, 2008

Fashion Friday: Is it Me?

Me can't decides, is this me? Or is dis for a geezer kitty?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday 13, Edition # 13 : Fashion FauxPaws

Fashion FauxPaws
Fashion is hard work, sometimes you get detracted, other times you have outfit malfunctions or your photographer is bad, then there are times your annoying little sister just won't stay out of the way!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Backyard Visitor *Updated

**Momma update..She talked to her bean VET and yes she has to have surgery. She has an appointment with the surgeon next Tuesday to decide what exactly they are going to do and when. Depending on what they do Momma will be out of day hunting from 2 - 3 weeks. This worries her because she does not have that much time off but this has to be done and soon.**

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tortie Tuesday: Momma Report

Momma finally had her tests this morning. Good news is they are pretty sure they found out what is causing all her back pain, plus some other problems. The bad news is it will probably mean surgery. How extensive is yet to be determined. Momma is now waiting on her specialist to call her so they can discuss options. Momma really didn't want me to post the particulars on my blog. This is a health issue she has battled for a while and it is worse this time. She said she is kinda shocked right now and not too upset yet, but her tummy is full of butterflies. I told her I would catch them for her. :) I like to be helpful. She has some BIG decisions to make soon. We would appreciate your purrs and prayers for peace and confidence in this rough time.

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Stwabewy

Me gots a nip stwabewy from my Ant Lindy!Me luvs it soooo much!
It won't all fits in me mouth though.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Fashion Friday: My First Fashion

Now that momma finally got all my old pictures we can show you some stuff from my past! This is when momma discover I truly was a fashionista! These pictures were taken two years ago.

Momma put this on me at first.

Then I decided to take over the styling! I arranged the boa all myself in the next two photos!
I think I did a much better job! She is getting better now though! :D

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And the winers are........

Grand prize goes to Dragonheart and Merlin! They even got the bonus question!

As you can see we carefully chose second prize....
Who goes to Ms. Oz of the Cat Realm

and last but not least, third prize goes to:
Eric & Flynn

Now for the Royal Kitty Trivia Answers!

1. I had six kittens! For your viewing pleasure I have the second litter's baby pictures and older pictures of the first two. I will show more of them in later posts!

2. Empress is head of paws for Chase, she is one of his Charmers!

3. I, Queen Snickers, have the heart problem. Last time at the V.E.T. inside pictures showed the first stages of heart disease. My heart has a small fluid pocket around it. For some reason on me just a little extra "fluff" pushes against my organs and causes issues. My issues may be reversible at this point with a good diet and exercise, which is why I got a little sister!

4. Empress flew all the way from California to Texas to be my sister. It may seem funny to adopt a kitty long distance but when we read her story and saw her picture we knew she was meant to be with us no matter the miles.

5. Empress has the black paw pads, like most calicoes or torties mine are mottled!

6. TRUE, I am older!

7. TRUE, Empress sleeps in our bed at night, on momma!

8. Before I found momma I lived on a swampy golf course in Louisanna where my momma's parents lived! It was very beautiful I'll grant you, but not a place to try and raise kittens out on your own.


Yes, We do have another pet! His name is Jade and he is a green coridorus. He is very old, older than me! Normally they live for a max of 3-5 years but my Jade is 7.5 years old and he has survived through 3 different fish tanks. Momma used to have a HUGE fish tank with tons a fish and once a new fishy brought an epidemic that killed every one but him. In honor of our tiny green tank everyone who knew who he was gets a little treat!

Wordy Wednessday: Hard at Work

Thanks every kitty for making our 100 post day so fun! As you can see we are hard at work figuring out who will get second and third prize!
Check back here tomorrow for winners and the answers to Royal Kitty Trivia!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Post 100!! Contest- Royal Kitty Trivia

We can't believe it's been a 100 posts already! We have been having such fun and have made so many wonderful friends! We wonder just how well you know us? This might be a bit of a scavenger hunt but the prizes will be worth it! The grand prize winner will be the first kitty to get all the answers right. Everyone else with all the correct answers will be put in a drawing for second and third place! You might want to ask your bean to get a piece of scratch paper to write down your answers to make it easy to type it in the comments when your done!

Royal Kitty Trivia

1. I ,Queen Snickers, love to talk about my kittens, how many did I have total?
4, 6, 8, 10

What Mancat does Empress have a thing for?
Skeezix, Yao-Lin, Adan, Chase

3. Which one of us has a heart problem?

4. What state did Empress fly from to be part of our family?

Who has black paw pads?

6. (True or False) Queen Snickers is the older cat.

7. (True or False) Empress has the courage to sleep in the big bed now at night.

8. Where was I, Queen Snickers, living before I found my momma?
a desert hotel parking lot, a swampy golf course, around big city apartment, a wooded camping ground

Bonus Question: Is there another pet in our house? If so, what is it?

The bonus will not be required for the grand prize but the first correct answer will get a special treat. We will do the drawing on Wednesday and announce the winners on Thursday!

Monday, February 18, 2008

My Mantcat Monday

My wonderful mancat Jake sent me this handmade Valentine! It is so beautiful! I am reading it very closely. It says Dearest Queen Snickers be mine please! Happy Valentines Day! Purrs, Jake. This is the bestest Valentine ever! You can biggify the picture to see all the little detail on the card. This is going in my bloggy scrapbook to keep forever and ever! Also in my card was this amazing fashion accessory/ toy. It's a pink boa with ribbons!
Empress was very interested in in too.
She tried to take it from me, but I let her know it was MINE!
Maybe I'll share later but this is my special toy and I definitely get to play with it first!
Thank you so much Jake!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fashion Friday: Red Carpet

I am so excited to ware my new fancy purple dress! It is from my Aunt Lindy, Rossetti & Kirara Momma! My momma also got a new Nikon flashy box for Valentines from her Daddy so our pictures should get better, especially when momma figures out how to work all of it. :p I want to use one of the picture to enter in the Red Carpet Buzz but I can't decide which one. Can you help me pick? click on any picture to biggify it

1. Over the Shoulder

2. Super Close Up

3. Little Miss Happy

4. I can't help I'm beautiful

5. The Smile
Thanks for your help!

I do want to congratulate my little sister who's Valentine to Chase won Best Animated Valentine in Skeezix's VD contest!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

My wonderful Jake is coming over today! Momma made her special grilled salmon steaks, cooked rare, just for us! I also have chicken and tuna stew and shrimp sushi. For dessert I have cupcakes from Sprinkles, they do a special pet version with yogurt topping. I like to add a little tuna to mine too! We have new nip toys to play with and loads of feathers! Maybe later Jake and I will pop over to Momo's and check out the cruse.

Empress is in her kitty house in the cat tree drooling over pictures of Chase.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Whatcha lookin at?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tabby Tuesday:Tummy, Toes, Nose

Me is highlights me tabby features today!

Here is me spotted tummy after lots of crunchies!

Here's my little toesies! It also a goods pictures of me mascara lines.
There my nose! It da bronzest part a me!