Guess what? I'm not puking anymore!! I didn't even have to go to the V.E.T. either!! Momma's idea of stinky goodness topped with salmon flavored hairball gel once a day worked, plus I LOVE getting stinky goodness every day now! It is a wonderful organic chicken and tuna stew that goes with my crunchies. I also get more zoom groom time! YEA! We thing a lot of the trouble is I can't get rid of hair balls in my insides they just get stuck. Momma's had x-rays and vampires took her blood and she saw other doctors. She is still waiting for the first doctor to call her back with results and the medicine they gave made her tummy so sick she has to take other medicine. The second doctor, one of her specialists needs more tests but momma can't get in to the test lady until the 26th but she is on an emergency waiting list.
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
I sure am glad you area feeling better and not bomiting any more. Now I just wish your mom would get all better, too!
We are glad you are feeling better and hope that your Mommy gets better soon too. Pirate kitty bandanas? How neat! We wish we could have seen them!
I am glad that you are better! I just wish they would fix your mommy. I am still purring, and I have my paws crossed that they fix her soon!
I am so glad that you are feeling better. Now it is your human's turn to start feeling better!
I like this picture! you look lovely.
I hope your mommie gets all better soon. being sick is horrible!
Its really good that you are doing better! The LL has tried stuff like that with us and its worked well. Now lets just get your mom feeling better!!
I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better my sweet! Sometimes my mommy gives me the hairball formula stinky goodness, or the special hairball treats and that helps (especially with all my floofs).
Hopefully your momma will be feeling better soon as well!
You look lovely in that picture!
Queen Snickers, I am glad you are not vomitting anymore - I was starting to worry that you were bulimic.
Now please snuggle your Mum so she gets better too.
Organic chicken and tuna stew - yum!
I'm glad you're okay now, Queen Snickers!
Purring for your momma,
Oh I am glad you feel better and I hopes your mommy feels better real soon.
That was an awesome post for Chinese new year - well done ladies.
i is glads you is feeling betters! Thanks you so much for introducings me to Ivy, i've found my kitty luv
Well I'm so glad you're doing better. I wish your Momma was, too :( I hope she starts feeling better and can get the rest of her tests done sooner than the 26th. Ack.
We are happy to hear you are doing better. We will be purrring for your mommy.
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