Sorry for no updates on dear Ms. Honey and her family. Daddy did make it too help but a tunderstorm showed up too. They waited it out pretty late but no kitties. .....
Unfortunatly Momma will not be able to do anything further for Ms. Honey, as she was layed off from her dayhunting place. Her boss man said bussiness was to slow to pay everyone and they let a couple beans go. It was a BIG shock! We'll post some more later this week, maybe Tuesday but I think I need to get back to momma now.
~Queen Snickers
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
6 years ago
I am sorry about your mommy and the dayhunting place. Purrs that your mommy finds a new hunting position!
Oh what awful news. We are so sorry. I hope your Mommy can find somewhere new to hunt that is better.
Poor Ms. Honey too...
We are purring for her and her kits.
We are sorry to hear that your mum has to leave her day hunting place. We hope she can soon find a new one. Purrs and hugs to all of you.
I think it will be better!!!
Don't worry!!!!!
Purr and purr!!!
Oh we is so sorry to heer of the bad nooz. Yur Momma is gonna need extra purrs. We'll send sum of ours too.
Oh, I am so sorry that your Momma lost her dayhunting position. I am sorry for Ms. Honey and her family, too. I am hoping and praying that your Momma finds a new place for her dayhunting very quickly.
We are so sorry to hear your Mom lost her day hunting job! We will purr for her to find another one fast! We will also purrr for Ms. Honey and the kits!
Your FL furiends,
I'm sorry about your Momma being laid off :-( I hope she'll find a new job soon. In the meantime, give her lots of headbutts and purrs.
Oh Snickers, I am so sorry to hear about this turn of events. Purrs.
Oh that is very upsetting. I'm very sorry this happened to your mom. She's a smart lady though and she'll find something else and it will probably be even better.
We luvz owr Auntie Kimmie!!!!!! Tell herz Kirara and I helped Momma find purrfect prezentz to cheer owr Auntie up!!!!!! Momma seyz she wantz to bring pressiez next weekend maybe? purrz and headbuttz frum your favorite cuzinz!!!!!
Rossetti (and Kirara too)
We're so sorry to hear the bad news, both about Momma Snickers and Ms. Honey. We'll be purring for a new job for your Momma and safety for Ms. Honey and her kits.
Jake, Pearl and Bert
I am sorry about your mom. The economy is so bad, we are waiting to see if my Daddie will still have a job, too. It is not looking very good for us, either, so we know how upsetting it is.
Purrs to your mum that she find a new hunting job soonest.
We are purring for your Mommy to find a new hunting ground. Poor Ms. Honey and family.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's jobby. Sending good wishes that something (good) will come in its place.
We have an another new member on TATA. Come and see!!!
Well, that's not good news, either for Ms Honey or your Mom. At least your Mom can collect unemployment, but who will take care of poor Ms Honey & her family?
I noticed you haven't updated. I hope your Momma is feeling okay. I know it's a horrible shock to have that happen. BTDT myself. Hugs for your Momma.
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