It looks like Ms. Honey and crew emptied the food bowl last night! (we hope it was her and not a possum!) Momma will be "camping out" at the office this evening in and try to trap the family. She is kinda of nervous, no a lot nervous! So many what ifs? What if she gets a possum? (hehe) What if she gets the kittens and no Honey? or Ms Honey and can't find the babies? She wishes she had a trapping buddy, but daddy has to work late. Some one has to come take care of us too! She would call her sister but she has a new sticky bean and Aunty Lindy has to work. :( We appreciate you purrrrs for a successfully night!
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Tell her she's doing the best she can and that's wonderful! We'll be purring it will go well.
We're sendin a gazillion purrssssss for Miss Honey and her babies...
We've got all our paws and fingers crossed here - we hope it goes well and that your Momma doesn't have to stay out too late!
Purrs to you all, especially my beautiful LadyCat!
I have my paws crossed, too!
We is gonna purr our little heads off dat yoor mom gets dat fambly. We talked to Alli and she sez if yoo catch one or da other den the other will, if yoo catch mom da babies will come looking fur mom if yoo catch babies (depending on how old dey is) mom will come looking fur dem. We don't know, we let mom and Alli do dat stuff...We just picked up mom's award and we think yoo should give it to yoor mom too!
Paws crossed and sending big rumbly purrs for a fruitful night's trapping.
Good luck to your Momma tonight!
I hope she is able to catch them. What a lot of work she is doing for these kitties.
Whut if it's a vishus deer?!
I think your mom will be have good luck!
I hope your mom managed it. Please let us know, I'm sure I'm not the only one on the edge of their seat! :) xxx
did ya get em did ya??????
We applaude your Mom for trying to help poor Ms Honey & her babies. (clapclapclapclapclapclap)
It's Friday and no update on Ms. Honey and her babies yet. I hope your Momma is okay and isn't sick.
Have a great weekend :-D
Best wishes to your mom in her endeavor!
I will cross all my four paws and send lots of purrs!!!
And I also tagged you, Queen Snickers, for a meme! Check it out at The Cat Realm blog. MY blog - I have TAKEN over!!!!
I am afraid though once Karl is back from safari that he will claim the blog back....
Mrs. OZ
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