There will be NO fashion Friday today! I refuse to let momma post the humiliating pictures she took of me. The nerve of putting woofie bows on my tail!! Then laughing! Both her and daddy!! She kept flashing away while I was in unlady-like positions trying to ripe the retched things off! I'm on strike until I get some proper fashion. Humph.
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Jeeze, DP blogger just ate my response! I'll try again!
You look appropriately displeased, but still very beautiful, in that picture my sweet!
As for the nip - Mommy just bought two of those store bought nip plants and put them in a hanging basket out doors (Parker's Mom suggested the basket). It seems very happy in lots of sun, it is a weed after all. Plus in the basket we can bring it indoors in winter. If your Momma wants to plant in the ground, my Mommy suggests caging it off with some chicken wire so that some kitty doesn't roll it to death (my older sister used to do that all the time - there was one year we went through 3 nip plants before the cage thing finally worked)! Hope it works, cause you'll just love it!
Poor Snickers!
Do you need to come visit us for awhile to relax and forget about it?
Oh dear! I hope that you can negotiate a settlement soo!
I don't blame you one bit, Queen Snickers! Beauty such as yours should be enhanced - you look very lovely in your on-strike picture!
I wood be on strike too! The indignitee of it all! Bring up a foot long hairball...that'll show em!
I am on strike, too. Check out our bloggie today - you'll see why.
Your pal,
Snickers, you are very right to go on strike. You should never have to model any fashion you do not like. Even though I would kind of like to see the photos...
Good for you for striking. No cat should ever be laughed at!
Queen Snickers, that is just awful! And they laughed at you :-0 I don't blame you for being on strike!
Queen Snickers, that doesn't sound very nice at all. You do look lovely on your harness, however!
I refuse any sort of clothing. I have a beautiful fur coat, what more do I need. Sometimes Momma puts a collar on me. That isn't so bad, I guess. But, no way, no bows on my tail!!
That is a very lovely photo of you looking very regally outraged:) xxx
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