Tara tagged me for the middle name meme.
Here are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged.)
Well, daddy calls me Snicker Baby so I will use Baby.
B eautiful
A gile
B right
Y outhful
I will tag: Jake, Java, Chance, & Snickers
Me is Empress Mau
M usical
A ctive
U nstoppable
Me is taggin: Chase
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
That was very, very cute you two!
Queen Snickers, that 'nip strawberry looks like a great toy! :)
You both picked terrific words to describe you! :)
Those describe you both perfectly!
what a cool toy! i don't even have a nip bananna yet. i like the strawberry better. i like red toys. i read that kitties can see the colors red, blue and green.
i think your memes are perfect!
Queen Snickers
WE have one of those strawberries...nom nom nom...we love it.
Ahh....Snickers Baby sounds like such a cute name for your Daddy to call you. I like Empress' middle name too : )
Excellent choices you Royal Cutenesses! We have also been tagged for this but we don't have middle names.
That was a super meme girls!! I like that nip strawberry too!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Those are great words to describe both of you. We don't have a nip strawberry, but we haf got a nip bananer and carrot and cigar, and they are great. You asked if our purrize has arrived yet. No, it hasn't, but don't worry. our post is furry erratic. We had a parcel take 6 weeks over Chris Mouse. When it comes we'll get mum to take pikchurs so we can post them.
Oh thank you for tagging me! I'm excited, only I'm not sure if I have a middle name. I'll ask Mommy!
A strawberry nip toy! Wow you are ready for summer already! Fun meme for you both. I need to still get that one done. I am old and forgetful. I reallt like the dress you have picked for the Pirate birthday party at Jacks! very hubba hubba:)
Happy week to you both royal kitties...Love Miss Peachy
Perfect for both of you!
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