I’ve been tagged by Sunny for a meme. Here are the rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog;
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself;
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs; and
*Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Random and/or Weird Facts About Me!
1. I have a flipflop fetish. I love them! I will chew them, bunny kick them, put my front paws through the straps and alligator roll them!
2. I also have a strange obsession with the feet of my mommy's best friend Lindy and any shoes she has worn. I love to smell them and play with them. BTW you can visit Lindy's furrbabies, my cousins, through their links on my page!
3. I get motion sick. Travailing is not fun for me.
4. Two of my kittens had "rarer" genetic coloring (a calico and a red mackerel tabby)
5. I love to give momma presents, (my toys) I leave them by her pillow or where she puts her feet when she wakes up or sometimes I put them in her purse so she can take them to work.
6. I know tricks: sit, paws (this is where I stand in my hind legs and take the treat with both paws and put in into my mouth), and I'm working on laydown
7. I like to set on the edge of the bathtub when momma takes a bath and let my tail hang in the water.
Sense so many kitties have been tagged for this I am tagging only 2 I did not see had done it yet: Tara and Boy
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
Oh how do you get your tail dry? It is so floofy like mine that I think it would be hard!
Those are excellent tricks! I would love to see the "Paws" trick. Learning tricks is very hard. I am trying to learn how to jump through a hoop.
You do seem to have a foot/shoe fetish. I wonder how you got that. I've seen dogs have those fetishes, but not a cat. Until you.
That's so sweet that you bring your toys to your Momma while she's resting :-) None of our cats do that, I'm jealous!
I will admit feet are interesting. Though I'm not bosessed with them.
You seem fascinated by feet and shoes! I like to sit on feet, but that's about it. Sorry to hear you get motion sick. I actually like to travel in the car.
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