No we are not dead! We just have no internet! We are not even living with momma and daddy right now! Daddy got a job in Louisiana six months ago and had to go live in a hotel while momma tried to look for a day hunting place (the last one last 2 weeks, they where horrible beans and did not pay her) and try to sell the house. The house finally sold, and momma found a new day hunting job in Louisiana! It is almost where I was born! They got an apartment and the Renna mutt has moved there, but with all the craziness they thought we would be too stressed. We have been living with our beloved "Uncle Mike" who gives us stinky goodess, tuna and turkey legs every day! Momma thinks she and daddy will be able to come get us this weekend. We have been with out the internets for along time, we don't know when we will get more then peeks, so we'll see you when we see you!
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
We are glad your Mom and Dad got jobs in Louisiana and you'll be able to move there with them! Let us know!!
Your (formally FL now) TX furiends,
I am glad they both got jobs! It is good to see you all!
We're happy to hear from you, and even happier that you have good news to report!
I am so glad for both of you and your beans!
Sounds a great new life~!
I will keep purring for you both!
Snickers and Empress, I have been missing you both! I'm glad your mom and dad both got jobs and you will all be reunited soon!
Oh my sweet friends how I have missed you. I never gave up hope that you would be back someday. Life changes can be rough, but hang in there because the beans are doing the best they can to get back to normal for your sakes...besides you have uncle mike to spoil you both until that happens!
Love your old friend Miss Peach
How stressful! I'm glad your Daddy and Momma found jobs, and that all of you will be living together soon!
Queen Snickers and Empress, we have missed you! Thanks for the update! We're so glad that your Mom and Dad have jobs again, and that you will be reunited as a fambly soon.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
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