Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No new pictures

I am ashamed to say I do not have a single new picture of my beatiful self in our new home. Why? you ask? Momma can't find the camera! Go look for it lady! I need pictures!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

We have internet & Starbucks rocks!

Finally we are all here in LA! YEA! I missed my sisters sooooooo much! And we now have the internets back!  Mommy could not even look at any blogs for uscat dayhunting because her they made her sign paper's saying she would not blog on office anythings! Somefang to do with insider info stuffs.  Anyways, we has it at home now!  Mommy works lots of hours so she convenced my sisters to let me be on their blog again so we could all post. She already warned us she can't help us everyday but we will try to update and see all you guys atleast a couple times a week.  

Have any of you ever tried coffees?

I really like Starbucks! So does Queen Snickers, but mommy won't let us have much.  She says I'm too hyper as it is, but if I've been a good girl I get to lick out the foam! YUM!

I like to eat the cup when I'm done!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We are not deaded!

No we are not dead! We just have no internet! We are not even living with momma and daddy right now! Daddy got a job in Louisiana six months ago and had to go live in a hotel while momma tried to look for a day hunting place (the last one last 2 weeks, they where horrible beans and did not pay her) and try to sell the house. The house finally sold, and momma found a new day hunting job in Louisiana! It is almost where I was born! They got an apartment and the Renna mutt has moved there, but with all the craziness they thought we would be too stressed. We have been living with our beloved "Uncle Mike" who gives us stinky goodess, tuna and turkey legs every day! Momma thinks she and daddy will be able to come get us this weekend. We have been with out the internets for along time, we don't know when we will get more then peeks, so we'll see you when we see you!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thank You!!

Thank you for your purrs!!! Momma got the job!!! She starts today! We are sad she is leaving us alone but it will be worth it if she is happier! Hopefully we will be around to visit tonight when she gets home!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh My Cat, We Posted!

Hey everykitty! We are still alive! Happy 2009, err really late! Just a quick post for today to let you all know we are still here and are not going to quite blogging. Momma's just been in a bit of a funk. This may change however, she has a real honest to goodness day hunting interview tomorrow!! It's been 7 months now sense she was laid off and has no lead until now. She sayed butterflys are in her tummy! How they got there I don't know, but I don't think they are making her feel any better. We would like to ak for some purrs for this interview to go well. Hopefully tomorrow will be a happy day and momma will feel back in the bloging spirit soon! Luv all you!