Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hippy Kitty
Here is some I wanted to post about a few weeks ago! Her name is Happy Kitty! If any of you visit my cousins you may know her already. She is an dayhunting kitty and momma finally got to go visit her when she when to have lunch with Aunt Lindy. She is quite adorable! Her markings are not solid gray but gray on gray tabby stripes! Wow!Her job is to keep everyone at Aunt Lindy's dayhunting place from getting to serious and overstressed, an easing thing to do in advertising! Guess what she even has her own video collection on UTube. Chronicles of Hippy Kitty You can use that to search for her!!
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/26/2008 10 comments
Labels: hippy kitty
Monday, August 25, 2008
It's a Monday
Wow just when we thought things where setting down. Momma even got a potential lead on a job with our favorite VETs 2 miles from home on Friday! Then Saterday morning we got an offer on our house! WOW! We've been trying to sell it for over a year! The green papers are not quite all fantastic we are trying a counter offer but..... it's kinda like take what we get. If this goes we will me moving by the end of September (that's what is on the contract now). This is where thing get a bit sticky, where to move?? Daddies work may be offering him a transfer to Louisiana. This new job is not supposed to be ready for a few months so the beans are all worried about what to do "limbo" period. Momma is going to take another quick trip to Mimi bean's tomorrow to go to a concert and check out some apartments and maybe some potential new neighborhoods. Oh yea, the new job in LA is in the same town Grandpa bean just got a new job in! Even more its the same area I was born!
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/25/2008 4 comments
Labels: We need some stability :p
Friday, August 22, 2008
Finally Friday
It sure is nice to have my seat machine back! I have so much catching up to do! Purrrs for all my wet Florida friends! Though thankfully the danger has past we had a terrible scare yesterday afternoon! We were all getting our Advantix treatments, which momma highly recommends even for indoor kitties 'cus it repels mosquitoes that can give you heart worms, and momma was not thinking and put Renna's on her right there with us. K9 Advantix is toxic to cats. All of a sudden Empress started spazing and running around the house! When momma saw her she was foaming at the mouth and drooling!! She got some ingested some, but which one? She didn't know if kitty Advantix was bad ingested too? She called our vet, who told us to call the Advantix hotline. While waiting on hold we saw Empress lick her back and then take off foaming again. We told the hotline vet everything. She said if it was the kitty version she was fine and she just got a mouth full of yucky taste and to give her tuna juice. If it was the K9 if was bad and we wouldn't know for 4 hours then the systems would start, her eyes would dilate and she would start twitching. Momma would have to get her to a vet before she started having seizures because it would cause neurological damage!!! There was nothing we could do in the mean time but wait!! After 6 hours, if nothing happened, she was in the clear. YEAK! How stressful!! We are very happy to report she is fine! And got her own large can of tune juice all to herself!!
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/22/2008 11 comments
Labels: Empress scare
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wets Twy Dis Again! We Is Back!
Wow's mommy has beens more busy now den when she was dayhuntin! Last weeks she got to goes on a special twips wif her sistor, mommy and nefew to make a surprise visit to hers Mimi. She say it was grand! It was a longs drive but it be years sense they wents on a road trips together and baby bean did great in da wheely box! Her Mimi was sooo surprised! She had no seen da baby bean yet cus she no travels real well. Mommy also met a tuxie girl dat lives next door to her Mimi that likes to come overs for treats. Den on Monday she had to leaves again to go take her mommy to the bean vet in another city, and then she came back here to spend da nite so mommy could take her to another town on Tuesday to get Grandpa beans new wheely box! Yesh! Mommy go gets a parts time day hunting so you stay homes, ok?
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/21/2008 13 comments
Labels: do you remeber us?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Off Again
Momma got a surprise call from Mimi bean to go with her, Aunt Jenni and Baby Bean to visit Great Mimi bean! She had 45 minutes to pack and get ready to leave! Momma could not pass up the opportunity so she kissed us goodbye and flew out the door! Unfortunately Great Mimi bean does not have internet access but Momma was able to get a little bandwidth off the golf course (where Great Mimi bean lives) network so she could post this for us. She can't get enough to download any pics. As momma took our laptop we can't blog, I guess we will see you all next week!!
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/13/2008 8 comments
Labels: momma is playing
Monday, August 11, 2008
We IS Back
Hello!! We are finally back! Last week was just kinda blah for momma and we were very good girls and didn't pester her about our blog but this is a new week and we said, "Momma we want to get back online!!" We have so much catching up to do too!! We hope all our friends haven't forgotten us!
As for momma's day hunting, she is going to look into something temporary, maybe even part time. It is possible daddy will be getting transfered to another city in about 3 months and momma doesn't want to get all settled in a great new day hunting position just to leave it. I like the the idea of part time!! She is even going to look at vet clinics, she thinks this would be a great thing and new learning experience.
We wish Ms. Honey all the best. It just tears us all up to think we can't do anything else for them. Momma's old job hunting place was a secure place and she had to turn in all her keys and badge and stuff. :( The night momma and daddy tried to trap them there was a thunderstorm, they waited out in the rain 'till pretty late but eventually gave up thinking they would have the opportunity to try again another night.
If anyone wants to go give purrs to our sister Renna I'm sure she would appreciate it! She had her ladygardenectomy on Friday and had two baby canine teeth pulled.
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/11/2008 7 comments
Labels: update
Sunday, August 3, 2008
When Life Goes To the Litterbox
Sorry for no updates on dear Ms. Honey and her family. Daddy did make it too help but a tunderstorm showed up too. They waited it out pretty late but no kitties. .....
Unfortunatly Momma will not be able to do anything further for Ms. Honey, as she was layed off from her dayhunting place. Her boss man said bussiness was to slow to pay everyone and they let a couple beans go. It was a BIG shock! We'll post some more later this week, maybe Tuesday but I think I need to get back to momma now.
~Queen Snickers
Posted by Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna at 8/03/2008 19 comments
Labels: day hunting blues, feral family