Daddy's in trouble, big time! Momma got home last night after a long day of hunting and wanted to take a hot bath, but when she went to turn on the water nothing happened! She tried the sink and the bean litter box, nothing. She called daddy cell because he was still on way home and asked when he last time he paid the water bill was. He said it couldn't have been that long ago and besides they would have left a red note on the door. Guess what momma found on the door? What makes momma even more ticked is this is the only bill he has to send in as the rest are online, most automatic, and he is always late and they have to pay late fees. If her sister was not sick she would have gone to her house.
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
EEK no waters?!
That would not be good. We hopes your Mom got it all turned back on. Fank goodness you guys have your own water fountain!
Oh no! We are sorry to hear you have no water. :( Good thing your fountain has water!
Gwanpa does dat a lots too. I tink he jus furgets dat water issna fwee. He haz to cum to owr howse sumtymes to shower till da man in da bloo jumpsoot turns it baks on.
Oh no!!!! Poor cousins!!!!!
Momma says you and Auntie Kimmie can come stay in her storage house if you want. She'll even let you sleep on her Renaissance bed!!! It might take Auntie Kimmie a long time to get to her day hunting though....
Oh now that would make the woman VERY mad!
Ooopsie! That was a little mistake your dad made. I hope the water gets turned back on right away.
Ooooh . . . . your mommy ought to be upset! Having no water is BAD. I know my mommy would be furious.
We don't let the Tall Man pay bills- ever. The Lap Lady does that or I think the bank would have taken our house by now as he just has no sense of urgency with paying bills. I hope the water comes back on soon!!!
Oh, man! We hope you get water soon! Daddy's not allowed to pay the bills - he forgets sometimes.
Yep - our Daddy would be in the dog house for sure! We (well and Mommy and George) just can't be without fresh water. Thanks goodness for your water fountain!
I wouldn't want my sweet queen to be thirsty!
Purrs and Headbutts,
This may call for the Big Bitey.
Eek - nothing worse for beans! I hope your water gets back on soon!
I would give the bean the evil eye too. What a terrible thing to do. We hope he learned his lesson and you get water back very soon.
Mommy used to do it all herself but den daddy sed dat he felt useless and why should mom do all dat stuff. But when he took it over mom discovered dat she hadda do even more work cuz he just took da bills and thru them all in a big pile and forgot about them! And he would lose da envelopes!
OOooooah No~~
BAD News~~~~
I sincerely hope your water will be back soon!!!
Bad Daddy!
I see you and Empress are giving Daddy mean looks. I bet your Momma has steam coming out of her ears!
We think Mom's are much better at taking care of things than Dad's are!!
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