Nice try Momma, but just because it has leopard print, does not make this over sized Santa Hat fashionable! How about something that fits? Kitties, JUST SAY NO when your momma tries to dress you in her holiday room decor!
Happy 10 years old Birthday, Lego
7 years ago
I think you look very cute, Queen Snickers! :)
There's been a lot of that going on at our house too!
KC said...
O, Queen Snickers, u's look adorable. it be hard fur us Torties to ever look bad, u's know!
i's haf a pickshure from last year, when Cocoa, Midnight & Grr challenged me to wear a Santy hat.
i showed them... i's turned around and crawled in tha Santy hat and stuck mine tail out at 'em. hee hee.
Purrs, KC
That is so cute! Where did you find that lovely hat?
Mom's tried dat wif us and we not only say no we put da bitey and scratchy on her too.
I think you look quite elegant!
You look gorgeous in it, my dear. Simply gorgeous!
I think it looks good on you. But if you're not happy, and it doesn't fit, tell your Momma it's time to go shopping for you!
My sentiments exactly!
We think you look most adorable!
Hats are very, very hard to wear. I think you did great!
You look so cute! We are so totally not having any of that. Don't even get any ideas Ma!
Yup, you just have to say no. Though you do look really hot in that hat....
I agree, no silly clothes for kitties.
Only few seconds baby~!
Soon your beans taking shots will let you free~!
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